Monday, February 11, 2013

Milo's Church Bucket

Today I am grateful for small miracles. Sundays have been a mess in our house lately, and it's become a struggle to get through those endlessly long 3 hours at church for Milo.

Milo became a sunbeam this year, which means no toys, no running, no playing. NO THANK YOU! The first week be was in sunbeams he walked right out of class without anyone noticing and walked straight back to nursery and playing with all the toys for one hour before anyone noticed.

The second week he had an insane meltdown. One of the biggest I've ever seen him have. It took me 2 hours to calm him down, and at the end of it I ended up breaking down sobbing to my relief society president when she grazed my arm and asked me "how are you doing?".

We were sick for a while so Milo didn't go for a couple weeks, and during that time I knew I needed to figure something out. He has major debilitating sound sensitivity, and singing time is LOUD. I knew I needed to more transition him into being there %100, rather than chuck him in there and walk away, AND...he needs an aid. like... NOW! but that takes a while too, so in the mean time? It's me.

I was cruising (doesn't it always have the answers?) and noticed a post about the same thing, and this person had a tupperware container that had comforting items in it for this particular child, and I knew immediately that this is what I needed to do. So I grabbed an empty ice cream bucket and went to work. I put in items that would be calming and soothing and made a PECS binder that had all the items in the bucket on a picture for Milo to request what he needed.

I was sweating bullets the entire time, but we made it through church with zero melt downs. zero.There's a lot of work to do, and Milo still needs to understand how to completely use his bucket, but the no meltdowns made it a victory in my mind.

Hooray for small miracles!

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